Thurs.15Oct2020 To the Above Named, Media ,Journalists et al
Disclaimer; bY THE GRACE OF GOD,SharonsSoul,Windows of her Blind Eyes, till Death do us Part.on the Graves of Sharons Peterson,Chergosky Heritage.
Affiant Sharon Scarrella Anderson may not Win this Election but for must continue Whistleblower expose Corruption on all levels.
2 weeks 3Nov2020 re Bidens before Censored
Sharon Anderson aka Scarrella 651-776-5835
LEGAL NOTICE: /s/ ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835:
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower,
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C.
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v. Arch
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower,
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C.
Ch.119 Sections 2510-2521 et seq., governs distribution of this "Message,"
including attachments, may contain the originator's
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v. Arch
1. Constitutionality City Council St. Paul,MN Res AR 20-127
passed without public inpu
DFLers strive to maintain party's hold on District 64 - Villager Newspaper
t or Constitutional Questions.
DFLers strive to maintain party's hold on District 64 - Villager Newspaper
2, RICO Bidens Billion Dollar Ukraine Criminal Activites while VP.
all DFL PARTYS become Co-Conspirators, with DNC Tom Perez.
3. Confirmation of Qualified 4 Justice Amy Comey Barret
WATCH: Sen. Marsha Blackburn questions Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett - YouTube
Amy Coney Barrett - Wikipedia
Meet Joni - Senator Joni Ernstrable Respect for who looks like
Meet Joni - Senator Joni Ernstrable Respect for who looks like
HORRORS OF Harris hatred homewrecker aka Mrs. Emhoff,Klobutcher Fear Mongering MN AKA Mrs. Bessler Monster DFL Women vs Homorable White Married Republican Women Sending this out having trouble with CEnsorship on Sharons PC
Trump Love to all and Vote red 3Nov2020
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