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Sent: 3/17/2021 2:12:27 PM Central Standard Time
Subject: Re: Reiteration of This Morning Conversation about Senior Services

Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 1:41 PM
To: <>
Cc: Straus, Laura (DEED) <>; Lee, Byron (DEED) <>
Subject: Reiteration of This Morning Conversation about Senior Services
Greetings Sharon,
As you requested, here is a reiteration of our conversation this morning:
I called to make sure that you understand that the Senior Services program at State Services for the Blind is an eligibility-based program that is designed to provide vision rehabilitation services for seniors who are losing their vision. The goal of that rehabilitation is to teach seniors new techniques to maintain or regain personal independence.
I described that our work is not designed to provide technology “help-desk” style services. When we work with technology, our goal is to teach you to use your technology despite not being able to see the screen at all or at least not well.
My observation from our conversation was that you were not willing to let me finish the things I was saying and despite five separate attempts to redirect you from engaging in a political conversation, you continued to go back to it.
You brought up an ill dog and repeatedly said you had very little time left and that you intended to fight.
I also asked had to remind you several times that our staff person is Byron, not Brian. I mentioned that Byron had mentioned an exchange with you where you appeared to say he was stupid. You denied that and said he was a liar. I said that I can imagine a miscommunication, but that I know that Byron is not a liar and I said I thought you calling him a liar was an example of something that is not welcome in our interactions.
You indicated that you intend to record conversations from now on, but ultimately would like everything we do to be in writing. I told you that we would be happy to continue working with you but that in order to do so, the political interjections will need to stop. You implied that I was saying we didn’t want to work with you and again, that is not the case. We are more than happy to work with as long as you accept that our interactions need to be focused on vision rehabilitation.
Also as I stated, we are not allowed to engage in political conversations and we are also not allowed to base anything we provide based on your political leanings. You said that party politics needed to be brought up because of the current make-up of our government and that we are political employees.
We finished the conversation with me saying I would do as you requested and reiterate the conversation in an email.
Finally, I just would like to reinforce the fact that we are happy to continue to work with you but order to do so, we need you to participate in way that avoids digressions into partisan politics and focuses solely on the rehabilitation services we can provide. Should you wish to continue services, please connect with Laura Straus who is your assigned Low Vision Specialist.
Ed Lecher
Director, Senior Services
MN State Services for the Blind
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